Out of respect for the health professionals who have worked tirelessly throughout the pandemic, DC Health will not report data on Christmas Day, December 25, to allow these health professionals to rest this holiday. The data report sent on Saturday, December 26, will include numbers from December 24. The data report sent on Sunday, December 27, will include numbers from December 25 and 26.
December 24, 2020:
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 864,407*
- Total Number of DC Residents Tested: 349,775*
- Total Positives: 27,710
- Total Lives Lost: 762
- Cleared from Isolation: 19,883
*All data are preliminary and are subject to change based on additional reporting
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Other Data
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- Hospital Status Data
- DC Public Schools Data
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December 23, 2020:
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 856,781*
- Total Number of DC Residents Tested: 348,189*
- Total Positives: 27,436
- Total Lives Lost: 756
- Cleared from Isolation: 19,740
*All data are preliminary and are subject to change based on additional reporting
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December 22, 2020:
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 849,992*
- Total Number of DC Residents Tested: 346,694*
- Total Positives: 27,226
- Total Lives Lost: 751
- Cleared From Isolation: 19,514
*All data are preliminary and are subject to change based on additional reporting
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December 21, 2020:
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 840,202*
- Total Number of DC Residents Tested: 344,362*
- Total Positives: 26,900
- Total Lives Lost: 744
- Cleared from Isolation: 19,275
*All data are preliminary and are subject to change based on additional reporting
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December 20, 2020:
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 834,138*
- Total Number of DC Residents Tested: 343,167*
- Total Positives: 26,740
- Total Lives Lost: 742
- Cleared From Isolation: 19,067
*All data are preliminary and are subject to change based on additional reporting
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December 19, 2020:
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 829,299*
- Total Number of DC Residents Tested: 342,101*
- Total Positives: 26,601
- Total Lives Lost: 737
- Cleared From Isolation: 18,893
*All data are preliminary and are subject to change based on additional reporting
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December 18, 2020:
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 820,999*
- Total Number of DC Residents Tested: 340,275*
- Total Positives: 26,342
- Total Lives Lost: 730
- Cleared From Isolation: 18,893
*All data are preliminary and are subject to change based on additional reporting
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December 17, 2020:
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 812,902*
- Total Number of DC Residents Tested: 338,359*
- Total Positives: 26,104
- Total Lives Lost: 728
- Cleared From Isolation: 18,743
*All data are preliminary and are subject to change based on additional reporting
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December 16, 2020:
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 804,207*
- Total Number of DC Residents Tested: 336,446*
- Total Positives: 25,830
- Total Lives Lost: 725
- Cleared from Isolation: 18,582
*All data are preliminary and are subject to change based on additional reporting
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December 15, 2020:
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 798,388*
- Total Number of DC Residents Tested: 334,999*
- Total Positives: 25,602
- Total Lives Lost: 720
- Cleared from Isolation: 18,392
*All data are preliminary and are subject to change based on additional reporting
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December 14, 2020:
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 791,984*
- Total Number of DC Residents Tested: 333,298*
- Total Positives: 25,339
- Total Lives Lost: 720
- Cleared from Isolation: 18,137
*All data are preliminary and are subject to change based on additional reporting
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December 13, 2020:
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 782,979*
- Total Number of DC Residents Tested: 331,093*
- Total Positives: 25,038
- Total Lives Lost: 716
- Cleared from Isolation: 17,914
*All data are preliminary and are subject to change based on additional reporting
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December 12, 2020:
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 778,625*
- Total Number of DC Residents Tested: 329,776*
- Total Positives: 24,874
- Total Lives Lost: 715
- Cleared From Isolation: 17,745
*All data are preliminary and are subject to change based on additional reporting
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December 11, 2020:
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 770,914*
- Total Number of DC Residents Tested: 327,867*
- Total Positives: 24,643
- Total Lives Lost: 713
- Cleared From Isolation: 17,618
*All data are preliminary and are subject to change based on additional reporting
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December 10, 2020:
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 762,746*
- Total Number of DC Residents Tested: 324,863*
- Total Positives: 24,357
- Total Lives Lost: 709
- Cleared from Isolation: 17,493
*All data are preliminary and are subject to change based on additional reporting
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December 9, 2020:
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 757,833*
- Total Number of DC Residents Tested: 323,486*
- Total Positives: 24,098
- Total Lives Lost: 708
- Cleared from Isolation: 17,291
*All data are preliminary and are subject to change based on additional reporting
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December 8, 2020:
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 752,507*
- Total Number of DC Residents Tested: 321,980*
- Total Positives: 23,854
- Total Lives Lost: 704
- Cleared from Isolation: 17,081
*All data are preliminary and are subject to change based on additional reporting
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December 7, 2020:
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 745,631*
- Total Number of DC Residents Tested: 320,985*
- Total Positives: 23,589
- Total Lives Lost: 701
- Cleared from Isolation: 16,884
*All data are preliminary and are subject to change based on additional reporting
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December 6, 2020:
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 739,084*
- Total Number of DC Residents Tested: 319,187*
- Total Positives: 23,319
- Total Lives Lost: 701
- Cleared from Isolation: 16,733
*All data are preliminary and are subject to change based on additional reporting
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December 5, 2020:
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 734,633*
- Total Number of DC Residents Tested: 317,806*
- Total Positives: 23,136
- Total Lives Lost: 697
- Cleared from Isolation: 16,665
*All data are preliminary and are subject to change based on additional reporting
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December 4, 2020:
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 727,387*
- Total Number of DC Residents Tested: 315,818*
- Total Positives: 22,872
- Total Lives Lost: 695
- Cleared From Isolation: 16,596
*All data are preliminary and are subject to change based on additional reporting
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December 3, 2020:
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 718,242*
- Total Number of DC Residents Tested: 313,394*
- Total Positives: 22,480
- Total Lives Lost: 693
- Cleared From Isolation: 16,374
*All data are preliminary and are subject to change based on additional reporting
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December 2, 2020:
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 709,991*
- Total Number of DC Residents Tested: 311,349*
- Total Positives: 22,164
- Total Lives Lost: 692
- Cleared from Isolation: 16,268
*All data are preliminary and are subject to change based on additional reporting
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December 1, 2020:
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 701,485*
- Total Number of DC Residents Tested: 308,164*
- Total Positives: 21,842
- Total Lives Lost: 690
- Cleared from Isolation: 16,070
*All data are preliminary and are subject to change based on additional reporting
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November 30, 2020:
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 697,409*
- Total Number of DC Residents Tested: 307,336*
- Total Positives: 21,685
- Total Lives Lost: 685
- Cleared from Isolation: 15,914
*All data are preliminary and are subject to change based on additional reporting
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November 29, 2020:
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 695,256*
- Total Number of DC Residents Tested: 306,447*
- Total Positives: 21,552
- Total Lives Lost: 680
- Cleared From Isolation: 15,746
*All data are preliminary and are subject to change based on additional reporting
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November 28, 2020:
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 690,342*
- Total Number of DC Residents Tested: 305,563*
- Total Positives: 21,448
- Total Lives Lost: 680
- Cleared from Isolation: 15,671
*All data are preliminary and are subject to change based on additional reporting
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November 27, 2020:
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 685,338*
- Total Number of DC Residents Tested: 304,033*
- Total Positives: 21,308
- Total Lives Lost: 678
- Cleared from Isolation: 15,603
*All data are preliminary and are subject to change based on additional reporting
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November 26, 2020:
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 672,439*
- Total Number of DC Residents Tested: 299,962*
- Total Positives: 20,937
- Total Lives Lost: 677
- Cleared from Isolation: 15,476
*All data are preliminary and are subject to change based on additional reporting
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November 25, 2020:
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 663,201*
- Total Number of DC Residents Tested: 297,433*
- Total Positives: 20,736
- Total Lives Lost: 677
- Cleared From Isolation: 15,401
*All data are preliminary and are subject to change based on additional reporting
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November 24, 2020:
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 650,235*
- Total Number of DC Residents Tested: 294,297*
- Total Positives: 20,516
- Total Lives Lost: 677
- Cleared From Isolation: 15,281
*All data are preliminary and are subject to change based on additional reporting
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November 23, 2020:
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 648,922*
- Total Number of DC Residents Tested: 292,832*
- Total Positives: 20,409
- Total Lives Lost: 673
- Cleared From Isolation: 15,085
*All data are preliminary and are subject to change based on additional reporting
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November 22, 2020:
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 639,461*
- Total Number of DC Residents Tested: 291,028*
- Total Positives: 20,290
- Total Lives Lost: 672
- Cleared from Isolation: 14,935
*All data are preliminary and are subject to change based on additional reporting
November 21, 2020:
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 630,532
- Total Number of DC Residents Tested: 288,324*
- Total Positives: 20,151
- Total Lives Lost: 670
- Cleared From Isolation: 14,882
*All data are preliminary and are subject to change based on additional reporting
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November 20, 2020:
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 620,958
- Total Number of DC Residents Tested: 285,919*
- Total Positives: 19,961
- Total Lives Lost: 670
- Cleared From Isolation: 14,821
*All data are preliminary and are subject to change based on additional reporting
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November 19, 2020:
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 612,204
- Total Number of DC Residents Tested: 283,503*
- Total Positives: 19,808
- Total Lives Lost: 669
- Cleared From Isolation: 14,699
*All data are preliminary and are subject to change based on additional reporting
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November 18, 2020:
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 607,834
- Total Number of DC Residents Tested: 282,214*
- Total Positives: 19,678
- Total Lives Lost: 667
- Cleared from Isolation: 14,589
*All data are preliminary and are subject to change based on additional reporting
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November 17, 2020:
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 601,412
- Total Number of DC Residents Tested: 280,287*
- Total Positives: 19,465
- Total Lives Lost: 665
- Cleared from Isolation: 14,477
*All data are preliminary and are subject to change based on additional reporting
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November 16, 2020:
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 596,742
- Total Number of DC Residents Tested: 278,786*
- Total Positives: 19,309
- Total Lives Lost: 660
- Cleared from Isolation: 14,336
November 15, 2020:
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 590,352
- Total Number of DC Residents Tested: 276,784*
- Total Positives: 19,064
- Total Lives Lost: 660
- Cleared from Isolation: 14,271
*All data are preliminary and are subject to change based on additional reporting
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November 14, 2020:
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 588,620
- Total Number of DC Residents Tested: 276,257*
- Total Positives: 18,977
- Total Lives Lost: 660
- Cleared From Isolation: 14,182
*All data are preliminary and are subject to change based on additional reporting
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November 13, 2020:
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 583,319
- Total Number of DC Residents Tested: 274,710*
- Total Positives: 18,814
- Total Lives Lost: 658
- Cleared From Isolation: 14,160
*All data are preliminary and are subject to change based on additional reporting
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November 12, 2020:
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 577,601
- Total Number of DC Residents Tested: 273,322*
- Total Positives: 18,666
- Total Lives Lost: 657
- Cleared From Isolation: 14,160
*All data are preliminary and are subject to change based on additional reporting
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November 11, 2020:
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 571,530
- Total Number of DC Residents Tested: 271,941*
- Total Positives: 18,507
- Total Lives Lost: 657
- Cleared from Isolation: 14,103
*All data are preliminary and are subject to change based on additional reporting
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November 10, 2020:
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 567,072
- Total Number of DC Residents Tested: 270,585*
- Total Positives: 18,379
- Total Lives Lost: 657
- Cleared from Isolation: 14,036
*All data are preliminary and are subject to change based on additional reporting
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November 9, 2020:
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 561,833
- Total Number of DC Residents Tested: 268,838*
- Total Positives: 18,173
- Total Lives Lost: 657
- Cleared from Isolation: 13,977
*All data are preliminary and are subject to change based on additional reporting
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November 8, 2020:
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 558,814
- Total Number of DC Residents Tested: 267,808*
- Total Positives: 18,087
- Total Lives Lost: 655
- Cleared from Isolation: 13,919
*All data are preliminary and are subject to change based on additional reporting
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November 7, 2020:
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 555,449
- Total Number of DC Residents Tested: 266,844*
- Total Positives: 18,001
- Total Lives Lost: 654
- Cleared from Isolation: 13,843
*All data are preliminary and are subject to change based on additional reporting
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November 6, 2020:
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 550,585
- Total Number of DC Residents Tested: 265,472*
- Total Positives: 17,891
- Total Lives Lost: 654
- Cleared from Isolation: 13,811
*All data are preliminary and are subject to change based on additional reporting
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November 5, 2020:
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 546,323
- Total Number of DC Residents Tested: 264,455*
- Total Positives: 17,792
- Total Lives Lost: 652
- Cleared from Isolation: 13,738
*All data are preliminary and are subject to change based on additional reporting
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November 4, 2020:
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 540,502
- Total Number of DC Residents Tested: 262,829*
- Total Positives: 17,682
- Total Lives Lost: 650
- Cleared from Isolation: 13,653
*All data are preliminary and are subject to change based on additional reporting
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November 3, 2020:
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 537,091
- Total Number of DC Residents Tested: 261,707*
- Total Positives: 17,601
- Total Lives Lost: 647
- Cleared from Isolation: 13,601
*All Data are preliminary and are subject to change based on additional reporting
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November 2, 2020:
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 533,419
- Total Number of DC Residents Tested: 260,618*
- Total Positives: 17,524
- Total Lives Lost: 647
- Cleared from Isolation: 13,517
*All Data are preliminary and are subject to change based on additional reporting
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November 1, 2020:
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 528,174
- Total Number of DC Residents Tested: 258,983*
- Total Positives: 17,438
- Total Lives Lost: 647
- Cleared from Isolation: 13,443
*All Data are preliminary and are subject to change based on additional reporting
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October 31, 2020:
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 525,246
- Total Number of DC Residents Tested: 258,131*
- Total Positives: 17,369
- Total Lives Lost: 646
- Cleared From Isolation: 13,349
*All Data are preliminary and are subject to change based on additional reporting
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October 30, 2020:
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 520,436
- Total Number of DC Residents Tested: 256,811*
- Total Positives: 17,266
- Total Lives Lost: 646
- Cleared from Isolation: 13,348
*All Data are preliminary and are subject to change based on additional reporting
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October 29, 2020:
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 514,130
- Total Number of DC Residents Tested: 255,048*
- Total Positives: 17,144
- Total Lives Lost: 646
- Cleared from Isolation: 13,348
*All Data are preliminary and are subject to change based on additional reporting
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October 28, 2020:
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 509,864
- Total Number of DC Residents Tested: 253,947*
- Total Positives: 17,074
- Total Lives Lost: 645
- Cleared From Isolation: 13,325
*All Data are preliminary and are subject to change based on additional reporting
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October 27, 2020:
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 505,407
- Total Number of DC Residents Tested: 252,520*
- Total Positives: 16,973
- Total Lives Lost: 644
- Cleared From Isolation: 13,276
*All data are preliminary and are subject to change based on additional reporting.
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October 26, 2020:
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 502,538
- Total Number of DC Residents Tested: 251,532*
- Total Positives: 16,906
- Total Lives Lost: 644
- Cleared from Isolation: 13,215
*All data are preliminary and are subject to change based on additional reporting.
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October 25, 2020:
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 498,190
- Total Number of DC Residents Tested: 250,043*
- Total Positives: 16,812
- Total Lives Lost: 642
- Cleared from Isolation: 13,179
*All data are preliminary and are subject to change based on additional reporting.
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October 24, 2020:
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 496,232
- Total Number of DC Residents Tested: 249,572*
- Total Positives: 16,767
- Total Lives Lost: 642
- Cleared from Isolation: 13,104
*All data are preliminary and are subject to change based on additional reporting.
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October 23, 2020:
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 491,553
- Total Number of DC Residents Tested: 248,189*
- Total Positives: 16,706
- Total Lives Lost: 642
- Cleared From Isolation: 13,068
*All Data are preliminary and are subject to change based on additional reporting
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October 22, 2020:
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 485,753
- Total Number of DC Residents Tested: 246,627*
- Total Positives: 16,609
- Total Lives Lost: 642
- Cleared from Isolation: 13,028
All data are preliminary and are subject to change based on additional reporting.
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October 21, 2020:
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 479,435
- Total Number of DC Residents Tested: 245,551*
- Total Positives: 16,537
- Total Lives Lost: 642
- Cleared from Isolation: 12,979
All data are preliminary and are subject to change based on additional reporting.
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October 20, 2020:
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 476,443
- Total Number of DC Residents Tested: 244,181*
- Total Positives: 16,498
- Total Lives Lost: 642
- Cleared from Isolation: 12,938
All data are preliminary and are subject to change based on additional reporting.
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October 19, 2020:
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 473,807
- Total Number of DC Residents Tested: 243,299*
- Total Positives: 16,445
- Total Lives Lost: 642
- Cleared from Isolation: 12,884
All data are preliminary and are subject to change based on additional reporting.
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October 18, 2020:
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 469,040
- Total Number of DC Residents Tested: 241,621*
- Total Positives: 16,395
- Total Lives Lost: 641
- Cleared from Isolation: 12,824
All data are preliminary and are subject to change based on additional reporting.
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October 17, 2020:
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 466,805
- Total Number of DC Residents Tested: 240,959*
- Total Positives: 16,370
- Total Lives Lost: 641
- Cleared From Isolation: 12,801
All data are preliminary and are subject to change based on additional reporting.
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October 16, 2020:
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 462,968
- Total Number of DC Residents Tested: 239,835*
- Total Positives: 16,334
- Total Lives Lost: 641
- Cleared From Isolation: 12,793
All data are preliminary and are subject to change based on additional reporting.
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October 15, 2020:
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 455,787
- Total Number of DC Residents Tested: 237,674*
- Total Positives: 16,255
- Total Lives Lost: 641
- Cleared From Isolation: 12,731
All data are preliminary and are subject to change based on additional reporting.
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October 14, 2020:
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 450,614
- Total Number of DC Residents Tested: 235,875*
- Total Positives: 16,166
- Total Lives Lost: 638
- Cleared from Isolation: 12,681
All data are preliminary and are subject to change based on additional reporting.
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October 13, 2020:
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 448,262
- Total Number of DC Residents Tested: 235,263*
- Total Positives: 16,132
- Total Lives Lost: 638
- Cleared from Isolation: 12,627
All data are preliminary and are subject to change based on additional reporting.
October 12, 2020:
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 443,081
- Total Number of DC Residents Tested: 233,450*
- Total Positives: 16,068
- Total Lives Lost: 637
- Cleared From Isolation: 12,583
All data are preliminary and are subject to change based on additional reporting.
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October 11, 2020:
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 438,819
- Total Number of DC Residents Tested: 231,817*
- Total Positives: 16,022
- Total Lives Lost: 637
- Cleared from Isolation: 12,539
All data are preliminary and are subject to change based on additional reporting.
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October 10, 2020:
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 436,167
- Total Number of DC Residents Tested: 230,929*
- Total Positives: 15,984
- Total Lives Lost: 637
- Cleared from Isolation: 12,531
All data are preliminary and are subject to change based on additional reporting.
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October 9, 2020:
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 429,099
- Total Number of DC Residents Tested: 228,668*
- Total Positives: 15,918
- Total Lives Lost: 636
- Cleared from Isolation: 12,492
All data are preliminary and are subject to change based on additional reporting.
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October 8, 2020:
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 422,225
- Total Number of DC Residents Tested: 227,401*
- Total Positives: 15,843
- Total Lives Lost: 634
- Cleared from Isolation: 12,456
All data are preliminary and are subject to change based on additional reporting.
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October 7, 2020:
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 416,816
- Total Number of DC Residents Tested: 224,978*
- Total Positives: 15,765
- Total Lives Lost: 634
- Cleared from Isolation: 12,431
All data are preliminary and are subject to change based on additional reporting.
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October 6, 2020:
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 412,656
- Total Number of DC Residents Tested: 223,620*
- Total Positives: 15,697
- Total Lives Lost: 632
- Cleared from Isolation: 12,350
All data are preliminary and are subject to change based on additional reporting.
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October 5, 2020:
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 410,029
- Total Number of DC Residents Tested: 222,724*
- Total Positives: 15,652
- Total Lives Lost: 631
- Cleared from Isolation: 12,350
All data are preliminary and are subject to change based on additional reporting.
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October 4, 2020:
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 401,568
- Total Number of DC Residents Tested: 219,912*
- Total Positives: 15,547
- Total Lives Lost: 631
- Cleared From Isolation: 12,306
All data are preliminary and are subject to change based on additional reporting.
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October 3, 2020:
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 399,825
- Total Number of DC Residents Tested: 219,389*
- Total Positives: 15,519
- Total Lives Lost: 631
- Cleared From Isolation: 12,299
All data are preliminary and are subject to change based on additional reporting.
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October 2, 2020:
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 397,549
- Total Number of DC Residents Tested: 218,633*
- Total Positives: 15,473
- Total Lives Lost: 629
- Cleared from Isolation: 12,252
All data are preliminary and are subject to change based on additional reporting.
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Other Data
October 1, 2020:
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 394,118
- Total Number of DC Residents Tested: 217,484*
- Total Positives: 15,423
- Total Lives Lost: 629
- Cleared from Isolation: 12,252
All data are preliminary and are subject to change based on additional reporting.
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September 30, 2020:
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 390,180
- Total Number of DC Residents Tested: 215,920*
- Total Positives: 15,358
- Total Lives Lost: 628
- Cleared from Isolation: 12,202
All data are preliminary and are subject to change based on additional reporting.
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September 29, 2020:
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 387,860*
- Total Number of DC Residents Tested: 215,204*
- Total Positives: 15,326
- Total Lives Lost: 627
- Cleared from Isolation: 12,155
All data are preliminary and are subject to change based on additional reporting.
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September 28, 2020:
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 386,396*
- Total Number of DC Residents Tested: 214,731*
- Total Positives: 15,300
- Total Lives Lost: 626
- Cleared from Isolation: 12,115
All data are preliminary and are subject to change based on additional reporting.
Download copy of DC COVID-19 data
September 27, 2020:
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 383,048*
- Total Number of DC Residents Tested: 213,296*
- Total Positives: 15,264
- Total Lives Lost: 624
- Cleared from Isolation: 12,053
All data are preliminary and are subject to change based on additional reporting.
Download copy of DC COVID-19 data
September 26, 2020:
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 381,159*
- Total Number of DC Residents Tested: 212,701*
- Total Positives: 15,250
- Total Lives Lost: 624
- Cleared from Isolation: 12,037
All data are preliminary and are subject to change based on additional reporting.
Download copy of DC COVID-19 data
September 25, 2020:
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 377,979*
- Total Number of DC Residents Tested: 211,599*
- Total Positives: 15,215
- Total Lives Lost: 624
- Cleared from Isolation: 12,029
All data are preliminary and are subject to change based on additional reporting.
Download copy of DC COVID-19 data
September 24, 2020:
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 373,586*
- Total Number of DC Residents Tested: 210,143*
- Total Positives: 15,163
- Total Lives Lost: 623
- Cleared from Isolation: 11,990
All data are preliminary and are subject to change based on additional reporting.
Download copy of DC COVID-19 data
September 23, 2020:
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 367,867*
- Total Number of DC Residents Tested: 208,447*
- Total Positives: 15,106
- Total Lives Lost: 621
- Cleared from Isolation: 11,956
All data are preliminary and are subject to change based on additional reporting.
Download copy of DC COVID-19 data
September 22, 2020:
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 363,448*
- Total Number of DC Residents Tested: 206,817*
- Total Positives: 15,050
- Total Lives Lost: 621
- Cleared from Isolation: 11,929
All data are preliminary and are subject to change based on additional reporting.
Download copy of DC COVID-19 data
September 21, 2020:
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 361,633*
- Total Number of DC Residents Tested: 206,165*
- Total Positives: 15,021
- Total Lives Lost: 621
- Cleared from Isolation: 11,886
All data are preliminary and are subject to change based on additional reporting.
Download copy of DC COVID-19 data
September 20, 2020:
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 357,744*
- Total Number of DC Residents Tested: 204,781*
- Total Positives: 14,978
- Total Lives Lost: 621
- Cleared From Isolation: 11,856
All data are preliminary and are subject to change based on additional reporting.
Download copy of DC COVID-19 data
September 19, 2020:
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 355,144*
- Total Number of DC Residents Tested: 204,099*
- Total Positives: 14,955
- Total Lives Lost: 620
- Cleared from Isolation: 11,829
All data are preliminary and are subject to change based on additional reporting
Download copy of DC COVID-19 data
September 18, 2020:
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 350,877*
- Total Number of DC Residents Tested: 202,618*
- Total Positives: 14,902
- Total Lives Lost: 619
- Cleared From Isolation: 11,823
All data are preliminary and are subject to change based on additional reporting
Download copy of DC COVID-19 data
September 17, 2020:
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 347,118*
- Total Number of DC Residents Tested: 201,379*
- Total Positives: 14,852
- Total Lives Lost: 619
- Cleared from Isolation: 11,802
*All data are preliminary and are subject to change based on additional reporting
September 16, 2020:
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 341,318*
- Total Number of DC Residents Tested: 199,579*
- Total Positives: 14,790
- Total Lives Lost: 619
- Cleared from Isolation: 11,763
*All data are preliminary and are subject to change based on additional reporting
September 15, 2020:
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 338,241*
- Total Number of DC Residents Tested: 198,409*
- Total Positives: 14,743
- Total Lives Lost: 617
- Cleared From Isolation: 11,691
*All data are preliminary and are subject to change based on additional reporting
September 14, 2020:
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 336,280*
- Total Number of DC Residents Tested: 197,726*
- Total Positives: 14,687
- Total Lives Lost: 616
- Cleared From Isolation: 11,630
*All data are preliminary and are subject to change based on additional reporting
September 13, 2020:
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 332,148*
- Total Number of DC Residents Tested: 195,691*
- Total Positives: 14,622
- Total Lives Lost: 616
- Cleared From Isolation: 11,592
*All data are preliminary and are subject to change based on additional reporting
September 12, 2020:
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 330,641*
- Total Number of DC Residents Tested: 195,160*
- Total Positives: 14,592
- Total Lives Lost: 616
- Cleared From Isolation: 11,574
*All data are preliminary and are subject to change based on additional reporting
September 11, 2020:
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 327,437*
- Total Number of DC Residents Tested: 194,043*
- Total Positives: 14,552
- Total Lives Lost: 616
- Cleared from Isolation: 11,561
*All data are preliminary and are subject to change based on additional reporting
September 10, 2020:
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 322,236*
- Total Number of DC Residents Tested: 192,235*
- Total Positives: 14,493
- Total Lives Lost: 616
- Cleared from Isolation: 11,526
*All data are preliminary and are subject to change based on additional reporting
September 9, 2020:
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 319,188*
- Total Number of DC Residents Tested: 190,996*
- Total Positives: 14,412
- Total Lives Lost: 616
- Cleared from Isolation: 11,498
*All data are preliminary and are subject to change based on additional reporting
September 8, 2020:
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 317,660*
- Total Number of DC Residents Tested: 190,735*
- Total Positives: 14,387
- Total Lives Lost: 615
- Cleared From Isolation: 11,452
*All data are preliminary and are subject to change based on additional reporting
September 7, 2020:
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 316,598*
- Total Number of DC Residents Tested: 190,316*
- Total Positives: 14,362
- Total Lives Lost: 611
- Cleared From Isolation: 11,414
*All data are preliminary and are subject to change based on additional reporting
September 6, 2020:
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 313,715*
- Total Number of DC Residents Tested: 189,267*
- Total Positives: 14,315
- Total Lives Lost: 611
- Cleared From Isolation: 11,366
*All Data are preliminary and are subject to change based on additional reporting
September 5, 2020:
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 311,510*
- Total Number of DC Residents Tested: 187,619*
- Total Positives: 14,279
- Total Lives Lost: 611
- Cleared From Isolation: 11,355
*All data are preliminary and are subject to change based on additional reporting.
September 4, 2020:
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 307,864*
- Total Number of DC Residents Tested: 186,236*
- Total Positives: 14,238
- Total Lives Lost: 611
- Cleared from Isolation: 11,323
*All data are preliminary and are subject to change based on additional reporting.
September 3, 2020:
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 303,351*
- Total Number of DC Residents Tested: 184,919*
- Total Positives: 14,186
- Total Lives Lost: 611
- Cleared from Isolation: 11,297
*All data are preliminary and are subject to change based on additional reporting.
September 2, 2020:
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 298,759*
- Total Number of DC Residents Tested: 182,922*
- Total Positives: 14,135
- Total Lives Lost: 609
- Cleared From Isolation: 11,254
*All data are preliminary and are subject to change based on additional reporting.
September 1, 2020:
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 294,797*
- Total Number of DC Residents Tested: 181,300*
- Total Positives: 14,077
- Total Lives Lost: 608
- Cleared From Isolation: 11,211
*All data are preliminary and are subject to change based on additional reporting.
August 31, 2020:
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 292,844*
- Total Number of DC Residents Tested: 180,494*
- Total Positives: 14,049
- Total Lives Lost: 607
- Cleared From Isolation: 11,150
*All data are preliminary and are subject to change based on additional reporting.
August 30, 2020:
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 290,682*
- Total Number of DC Residents Tested: 179,339*
- Total Positives: 13,992
- Total Lives Lost: 607
- Cleared From Isolation: 11,105
*All data are preliminary and are subject to change based on additional reporting.
August 29, 2020:
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 288,089*
- Total Number of DC Residents Tested: 178,083*
- Total Positives: 13,959
- Total Lives Lost: 606
- Cleared From Isolation: 11,087
*All data are preliminary and are subject to change based on additional reporting.
August 28, 2020:
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 285,756*
- Total Number of DC Residents Tested: 177,109*
- Total Positives: 13,925
- Total Lives Lost: 605
- Cleared From Isolation: 11,046
*All data are preliminary and are subject to change based on additional reporting.
August 27, 2020:
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 281,549*
- Total Number of DC Residents Tested: 175,106*
- Total Positives: 13,851
- Total Lives Lost: 605
- Cleared From Isolation: 11,010
*All data are preliminary and are subject to change based on additional reporting.
August 26, 2020:
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 276,704*
- Total Number of DC Residents Tested: 172,898*
- Total Positives: 13,794
- Total Lives Lost: 605
- Cleared From Isolation: 10,986
*All data are preliminary and are subject to change based on additional reporting.
August 25, 2020:
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 273,748*
- Total Number of DC Residents Tested: 171,613*
- Total Positives: 13,722
- Total Lives Lost: 605
- Cleared From Isolation: 10,923
*All data are preliminary and are subject to change based on additional reporting.
August 24, 2020:
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 271,622*
- Total Number of DC Residents Tested: 170,662*
- Total Positives: 13,684
- Total Lives Lost: 604
- Cleared From Isolation: 10,885
*All data are preliminary and are subject to change based on additional reporting.
August 23, 2020:
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 269,401*
- Total Number of DC Residents Tested: 169,346*
- Total Positives: 13,639
- Total Lives Lost: 604
- Cleared from Isolation: 10,835
*All data are preliminary and are subject to change based on additional reporting.
August 22, 2020:
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 266,046*
- Total Number of DC Residents Tested: 167,808*
- Total Positives: 13,590
- Total Lives Lost: 604
- Cleared from Isolation: 10,812
*All data are preliminary and are subject to change based on additional reporting.
August 20, 2020:
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 259,058*
- Total Number of DC Residents Tested: 164,509*
- Total Positives: 13,469
- Total Lives Lost: 602
- Cleared from Isolation: 10,772
*All data are preliminary and are subject to change based on additional reporting.
August 19, 2020:
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 253,985*
- Total Number of DC Residents Tested: 162,158*
- Total Positives: 13,409
- Total Lives Lost: 601
- Cleared from Isolation: 10,720
*All data are preliminary and are subject to change based on additional reporting.
August 18, 2020:
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 251,659*
- Total Number of DC Residents Tested: 160,545*
- Total Positives: 13,354
- Total Lives Lost: 600
- Cleared From Isolation: 10,596
*All data are preliminary and are subject to change based on additional reporting.
August 17, 2020:
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 249,478*
- Total Number of DC Residents Tested: 159.943*
- Total Positives: 13,325
- Total Lives Lost: 599
- Cleared From Isolation: 10,595
*All data are preliminary and are subject to change based on additional reporting.
August 16, 2020:
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 245,655*
- Total Number of DC Residents Tested: 158,319*
- Total Positives: 13,273
- Total Lives Lost: 597
- Cleared From Isolation: 10,521
*All Data are preliminary and are subject to change based on additional reporting
August 15, 2020:
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 242,852*
- Total Number of DC Residents Tested: 156,592*
- Total Positives: 13,220
- Total Lives Lost: 597
- Cleared From Isolation: 10,493
*All Data are preliminary and are subject to change based on additional reporting
August 14, 2020:
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 239,216*
- Total Number of DC Residents Tested: 155,182*
- Total Positives: 13,159
- Total Lives Lost: 597
- Cleared From Isolation: 10,452
*All Data are preliminary and are subject to change based on additional reporting
Other Data
August 13, 2020:
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 236,305*
- Total Number of DC Residents Tested: 154,323*
- Total Positives: 13,118
- Total Lives Lost: 594
- Cleared From Isolation: 10,416
*All Data are preliminary and are subject to change based on additional reporting
August 12, 2020:
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 229,649*
- Total Number of DC Residents Tested: 151,074*
- Total Positives: 13,024
- Total Lives Lost: 594
- Cleared From Isolation: 10,361
*All Data are preliminary and are subject to change based on additional reporting
August 11, 2020:
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 226,741*
- Total Number of DC Residents Tested: 149,644*
- Total Positives: 12,959
- Total Lives Lost: 593
- Cleared From Isolation: 10,300
*All Data are preliminary and are subject to change based on additional reporting
August 10, 2020:
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 224,749*
- Total Number of DC Residents Tested: 148,729*
- Total Positives: 12,896
- Total Lives Lost: 593
- Cleared From Isolation: 10,232
*All Data are preliminary and are subject to change based on additional reporting
August 9, 2020:
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 220,391*
- Total Number of DC Residents Tested: 146,477*
- Total Positives: 12,807
- Total Lives Lost: 591
- Cleared From Isolation: 10,188
*All Data are preliminary and are subject to change based on additional reporting
August 8, 2020:
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 217,942*
- Total Number of DC Residents Tested: 145,534*
- Total Positives: 12,753
- Total Lives Lost: 591
- Cleared From Isolation: 10,156
*All Data are preliminary and are subject to change based on additional reporting
August 7, 2020:
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 213,334*
- Total Number of DC Residents Tested: 142,528*
- Total Positives: 12,653
- Total Lives Lost: 590
- Cleared From Isolation: 10,124
*All Data are preliminary and are subject to change based on additional reporting
August 6, 2020:
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 208,725*
- Total Number of DC Residents Tested: 140,407*
- Total Positives: 12,589
- Total Lives Lost: 589
- Cleared From Isolation: 10,118
*All Data are preliminary and are subject to change based on additional reporting
August 5, 2020:
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 205,983*
- Total Number of DC Residents Tested: 138,843*
- Total Positives: 12,518
- Total Lives Lost: 587
- Cleared From Isolation: 10,094
*All Data are preliminary and are subject to change based on additional reporting
August 4, 2020:
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 202,825*
- Total Number of DC Residents Tested: 137,246*
- Total Positives: 12,443
- Total Lives Lost: 587
- Cleared From Isolation: 10,015
*All Data are preliminary and are subject to change based on additional reporting
August 3, 2020:
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 200,127*
- Total Number of DC Residents Tested: 135,741*
- Total Positives: 12,398
- Total Lives Lost: 587
- Cleared From Isolation: 9,959
*All Data are preliminary and are subject to change based on additional reporting
August 2, 2020:
- Total Overall Number of Tests:198,815*
- Total Number of DC Residents Tested: 134,793*
- Total Positives: 12,313
- Total Lives Lost: 586
- Cleared From Isolation: 9,893
*All Data are preliminary and are subject to change based on additional reporting
August 1, 2020:
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 197,192*
- Total Number of DC Residents Tested: 133,808*
- Total Positives: 12,274
- Total Lives Lost: 586
- Cleared From Isolation: 9,870
*All Data are preliminary and are subject to change based on additional reporting
July 31, 2020:
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 193,781*
- Total Number of DC Residents Tested: 131,031*
- Total Positives: 12,205
- Total Lives Lost: 585
- Cleared From Isolation: 9,816
*All Data are preliminary and are subject to change based on additional reporting
July 29, 2020:
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 182,990*
- Total Number of DC Residents Tested: 126,874*
- Total Positives: 12,057
- Total Lives Lost: 584
- Cleared From Isolation: 9,777
*All Data are preliminary and are subject to change based on additional reporting
July 28, 2020:
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 180,049*
- Total Number of DC Residents Tested: 125,267*
- Total Positives: 11,999
- Total Lives Lost: 584
- Cleared From Isolation: 9,723
*All Data are preliminary and are subject to change based on additional reporting
July 27, 2020:
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 178,022*
- Total Number of DC Residents Tested: 124,027*
- Total Positives: 11,945
- Total Lives Lost: 583
- Cleared From Isolation: 9,664
*All Data are preliminary and are subject to change based on additional reporting
July 26, 2020:
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 174,148*
- Total Number of DC Residents Tested: 121,676*
- Total Positives: 11,858
- Total Lives Lost: 582
- Cleared From Isolation: 9,639
*All Data are preliminary and are subject to change based on additional reporting
July 25, 2020:
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 171,598*
- Total Number of DC Residents Tested: 120,259*
- Total Positives: 11,780
- Total Lives Lost: 581
- Cleared From Isolation: 9,607
*All Data are preliminary and are subject to change based on additional reporting
July 24, 2020:
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 169,009*
- Total Number of DC Residents Tested: 119,013*
- Total Positives: 11,717
- Total Lives Lost: 581
- Cleared From Isolation: 9,603
*All Data are preliminary and are subject to change based on additional reporting
July 23, 2020
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 165,260*
- Total Number of DC Residents Tested: 116,815*
- Total Positives: 11,649
- Total Lives Lost: 581
- Cleared From Isolation: 9,582
*All data are preliminary and are subject to change based on additional reporting
July 22, 2020
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 162,021*
- Total Number of DC Residents Tested: 115,353*
- Total Positives: 11,571
- Total Lives Lost: 581
- Cleared From Isolation: 2,020
*All data are preliminary and are subject to change based on additional reporting
July 21, 2020
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 159,572*
- Total Number of DC Residents Tested: 113,858*
- Total Positives: 11,529
- Total Lives Lost: 580
- Cleared From Isolation: 1,974
*All data are preliminary and are subject to change based on additional reporting
July 20, 2020
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 155,711*
- Total Number of DC Residents Tested: 111,244*
- Total Positives: 11,427
- Total Lives Lost: 580
- Cleared From Isolation: 1,932
*All data are preliminary and are subject to change based on additional reporting
July 19, 2020
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 151,740*
- Total Number of DC Residents Tested: 109,067*
- Total Positives: 11,339
- Total Lives Lost: 579
- Cleared From Isolation: 1,909
*All data are preliminary and are subject to change based on additional reporting
July 18, 2020
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 147,765*
- Total Number of DC Residents Tested: 106,925*
- Total Positives: 11,261
- Total Lives Lost: 578
- Cleared From Isolation: 1,886
*All Data are preliminary and are subject to change based on additional reporting
July 17, 2020
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 144,955*
- Total Number of DC Residents Tested: 105,271*
- Total Positives: 11,194
- Total Lives Lost: 578
- Cleared From Isolation: 1,877
*All Data are preliminary and are subject to change based on additional reporting
July 16, 2020
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 141,607*
- Total Number of DC Residents Tested: 103,849*
- Total Positives: 11,115
- Total Lives Lost: 577
- Cleared from Isolation: 1,863
*All data are preliminary and are subject to change based on additional reporting.
July 15, 2020
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 140,242*
- Total Number of DC Residents Tested: 102,058*
- Total Positives: 11,076
- Total Lives Lost: 574
- Cleared from Isolation: 1,843
*All data are preliminary and are subject to change based on additional reporting.
July 14, 2020
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 137,944*
- Total Number of DC Residents Tested: 100,691*
- Total Positives: 11,026
- Total Lives Lost: 571
- Cleared from Isolation: 1,809
*All data are preliminary and are subject to change based on additional reporting.
July 13, 2020
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 133,916*
- Total Number of DC Residents Tested: 97,908*
- Total Positives: 10,946
- Total Lives Lost: 568
- Cleared from Isolation: 1,774
*All Data are preliminary and are subject to change based on additional reporting
July 12, 2020
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 130,220*
- Total Number of DC Residents Tested: 96,163*
- Total Positives: 10,906
- Total Lives Lost: 568
- Cleared From Isolation: 1,756
*All Data are preliminary and are subject to change based on additional reporting
July 11, 2020
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 126,883*
- Total Number of DC Residents Tested: 94,567*
- Total Positives: 10,847
- Total Lives Lost: 568
- Cleared From Isolation: 1,737
*All Data are preliminary and are subject to change based on additional reporting
July 10, 2020
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 124,050*
- Total Number of DC Residents Tested: 93,312*
- Total Positives: 10,801
- Total Lives Lost: 568
- Cleared From Isolation: 1,717
*All Data are preliminary and are subject to change based on additional reporting
July 9, 2020
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 120,884*
- Total Number of DC Residents Tested: 91,143*
- Total Positives: 10,743
- Total Lives Lost: 568
- Cleared From Isolation: 1,703
*All Data are preliminary and are subject to change based on additional reporting
July 8, 2020
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 115,923*
- Total Number of DC Residents Tested: 88,060*
- Total Positives: 10,679
- Total Lives Lost: 568
- Cleared From Isolation: 1,662
*All Data are preliminary and are subject to change based on additional reporting
July 7, 2020
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 114,289*
- Total Number of DC Residents Tested: 87,086*
- Total Positives: 10,642
- Total Lives Lost: 564
- Cleared From Isolation: 1,625
*All Data are preliminary and are subject to change based on additional reporting
July 6, 2020
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 110,377*
- Total Number of DC Residents Tested: 85,157*
- Total Positives: 10,569
- Total Lives Lost: 561
- Cleared From Isolation: 1,574
*All Data are preliminary and are subject to change based on additional reporting
July 5, 2020
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 107,650*
- Total Number of DC Residents Tested: 83,332*
- Total Positives: 10,515
- Total Lives Lost: 561
- Cleared From Isolation: 1,553
*All Data are preliminary and are subject to change based on additional reporting
July 4, 2020
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 105,993*
- Total Number of DC Residents Tested: 82,375*
- Total Positives: 10,482
- Total Lives Lost: 559
- Cleared From Isolation: 1,542
*All Data are preliminary and are subject to change based on additional reporting
July 3, 2020
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 104,554*
- Total Number of DC Residents Tested: 81,330*
- Total Positives: 10,447
- Total Lives Lost: 557
- Cleared From Isolation: 1,523
*All Data are preliminary and are subject to change based on additional reporting
July 2, 2020
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 102,809*
- Total Number of DC Residents Tested: 79,967*
- Total Positives: 10,435
- Total Lives Lost: 555
- Cleared From Isolation: 1,497
*All Data are preliminary and are subject to change based on additional reporting
July 1, 2020
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 101,063*
- Total Number of DC Residents Tested: 78,600*
- Total Positives: 10,390
- Total Lives Lost: 554
- Cleared From Isolation: 1,465
*All Data are preliminary and are subject to change based on additional reporting
June 30, 2020
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 100,035*
- Total Number of DC Residents Tested: 77,908*
- Total Positives: 10,365
- Total Lives Lost: 553
- Cleared From Isolation: 1,451
*All Data are preliminary and are subject to change based on additional reporting
June 29, 2020
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 97,295*
- Total Number of DC Residents Tested: 76,112*
- Total Positives: 10,327
- Total Lives Lost: 551
- Cleared From Isolation: 1,270
*All Data are preliminary and are subject to change based on additional reporting
June 28, 2020
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 95,360*
- Total Number of DC Residents Tested: 74,575*
- Total Positives: 10,292
- Total Lives Lost: 551
- Cleared From Isolation: 1,200
*All Data are preliminary and are subject to change based on additional reporting
June 27, 2020
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 93,132*
- Total Number of DC Residents Tested: 72,783*
- Total Positives: 10,248
- Total Lives Lost: 550
- Cleared From Isolation: 1,199
*All Data are preliminary and are subject to change based on additional reporting
June 26, 2020
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 89,271*
- Total Number of DC Residents Tested: 69,699*
- Total Positives: 10,216
- Total Lives Lost: 548
- Cleared From Isolation: 1,194
*All Data are preliminary and are subject to change based on additional reporting
June 25, 2020
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 88,123*
- Total Number of DC Residents Tested: 68,668*
- Total Positives: 10,185
- Total Lives Lost: 546
- Cleared From Isolation: 1,186
*All Data are preliminary and are subject to change based on additional reporting
June 23, 2020
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 84,173*
- Total Number of DC Residents Tested: 65,726*
- Total Positives: 10,128
- Total Lives Lost: 541
- Cleared From Isolation: 1,182
*All Data are preliminary and are subject to change based on additional reporting
June 22, 2020
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 83,302*
- Total Number of DC Residents Tested: 65,073*
- Total Positives: 10,094
- Total Lives Lost: 537
- Cleared From Isolation: 1,182
*All Data are preliminary and are subject to change based on additional reporting
June 21, 2020
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 82,004*
- Total Number of DC Residents Tested: 64,071*
- Total Positives: 10,058
- Total Lives Lost: 535
- Cleared from Isolation: 1,182
*All Data are preliminary and are subject to change based on additional reporting
June 20, 2020
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 79,522*
- Total Number of DC Residents Tested: 62,087*
- Total Positives: 10,020
- Total Lives Lost: 533
- Cleared from Isolation: 1,172
*All data are preliminary and are subject to change based on additional reporting
June 19, 2020
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 77,953*
- Total Number of DC Residents Tested: 60,752*
- Total Positives: 9,984
- Total Lives Lost: 531
- Cleared from Isolation: 1,166
*All data are preliminary and are subject to change based on additional reporting
June 18, 2020
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 73,791*
- Total Number of DC Residents Tested: 59,072*
- Total Positives: 9,952
- Total Lives Lost: 530
- Cleared from Isolation: 1,162
*All data are preliminary and are subject to change based on additional reporting
June 17, 2020
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 72,199*
- Total Number of DC Residents Tested: 57,867*
- Total Positives: 9,903
- Total Lives Lost: 527
- Cleared From Isolation: 1,155
*All Data are preliminary and are subject to change based on additional reporting
June 16, 2020
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 70,086*
- Total Number of DC Residents Tested: 56,073*
- Total Positives: 9,847
- Total Lives Lost: 523
- Cleared From Isolation: 1,155
*All Data are preliminary and are subject to change based on additional reporting
June 15, 2020
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 67,126*
- Total Number of DC Residents Tested: 53,458*
- Total Positives: 9,818
- Total Lives Lost: 520
- Cleared From Isolation: 1,155
*All Data are preliminary and are subject to change based on additional reporting
June 14, 2020
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 65,846*
- Total Number of DC Residents Tested: 52,448*
- Total Positives: 9,799
- Total Lives Lost: 515
- Cleared From Isolation: 1,155
*All Data are preliminary and are subject to change based on additional reporting
June 13, 2020
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 64,530*
- Total Number of DC Residents Tested: 51,360*
- Total Positives: 9,767
- Total Lives Lost: 515
- Cleared From Isolation: 1,150
*All Data are preliminary and are subject to change based on additional reporting
June 12, 2020
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 63,036*
- Total Number of DC Residents Tested: 50,032*
- Total Positives: 9,709
- Total Lives Lost: 511
- Cleared From Isolation: 1,143
*All Data are preliminary and are subject to change based on additional reporting
June 11, 2020
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 61,953*
- Total Number of DC Residents Tested: 48,702*
- Total Positives: 9,654
- Total Lives Lost: 506
- Cleared From Isolation: 1,143
*All Data are preliminary and are subject to change based on additional reporting
June 10, 2020
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 59,288*
- Total Number of DC Residents Tested: 47,796*
- Total Positives: 9,589
- Total Lives Lost: 502
- Cleared From Isolation: 1,143
*All Data are preliminary and are subject to change based on additional reporting
June 9, 2020
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 58,192*
- Total Number of DC Residents Tested: 47,148*
- Total Positives: 9,537
- Total Lives Lost: 499
- Cleared from Isolation: 1,143
*All Data are preliminary and are subject to change based on additional reporting
June 8, 2020
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 57,152*
- Total Number of DC Residents Tested: 46,413*
- Total Positives: 9,474
- Total Lives Lost: 495
- Cleared from Isolation: 1,143
*All Data are preliminary and are subject to change based on additional reporting
June 7, 2020
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 55,766*
- Total Number of DC Residents Tested: 45,362*
- Total Positives: 9,389
- Total Lives Lost: 491
- Cleared from Isolation: 1,143
*All Data are preliminary and are subject to change based on additional reporting
June 6, 2020
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 54,547*
- Total Number of DC Residents Tested: 44,485*
- Total Positives: 9,332
- Total Lives Lost: 489
- Cleared from Isolation: 1,143
*All Data are preliminary and are subject to change based on additional reporting
June 5, 2020
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 53,678*
- Total Number of DC Residents Tested: 43,528*
- Total Positives: 9,269
- Total Lives Lost: 483
- Cleared from Isolation: 1,138
*All Data are preliminary and are subject to change based on additional reporting
June 4, 2020
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 51,861*
- Total Number of DC Residents Tested: 41,800*
- Total Positives: 9,199
- Total Lives Lost: 479
- Cleared from Isolation: 1,138
*All Data are preliminary and are subject to change based on additional reporting
June 3, 2020
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 51,096*
- Total Number of DC Residents Tested: 41,571*
- Total Positives: 9,120
- Total Lives Lost: 475
- Cleared from Isolation: 1,138
*All Data are preliminary and are subject to change based on additional reporting
June 2, 2020
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 49,562*
- Total Number of DC Residents Tested: 40,751*
- Total Positives: 9,016
- Total Lives Lost: 473
- Cleared from Isolation: 1,138
*All Data are preliminary and are subject to change based on additional reporting
June 1, 2020
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 47,701*
- Total Number of DC Residents Tested: 39,251*
- Total Positives: 8,886
- Total Lives Lost: 470
- Cleared From Isolation: 1,137
*All Data are preliminary and are subject to change based on additional reporting
May 31, 2020
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 47,263*
- Total Number of DC Residents Tested: 38,975*
- Total Positives: 8,857
- Total Lives Lost: 468
- Cleared From Isolation: 1,126
*All Data are preliminary and are subject to change based on additional reporting
May 30, 2020
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 46,483*
- Total Number of DC Residents Tested: 38,413*
- Total Positives: 8,801
- Total Lives Lost: 466
- Cleared From Isolation: 1,116
*All Data are preliminary and are subject to change based on additional reporting
May 29, 2020
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 45,629*
- Total Number of DC Residents Tested: 37,881*
- Total Positives: 8,717
- Total Lives Lost: 462
- Cleared From Isolation: 1,100
*All Data are preliminary and are subject to change based on additional reporting
May 27, 2020
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 43,514*
- Total Number of DC Residents Tested: 36,284*
- Total Positives: 8,492
- Total Lives Lost: 453
- Cleared From Isolation: 1,082
*All Data are preliminary and are subject to change based on additional reporting
May 26, 2020
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 42,697*
- Total Number of DC Residents Tested: 35,682*
- Total Positives: 8,406
- Total Lives Lost: 445
- Cleared From Isolation: 1,082
*All Data are preliminary and are subject to change based on additional reporting
May 25, 2020
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 42,055*
- Total Number of DC Residents Tested: 35,262*
- Total Positives: 8,334
- Total Lives Lost: 440
- Cleared From Isolation: 1,080
*All Data are preliminary and are subject to change based on additional reporting
May 24, 2020
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 40,803*
- Total Number of DC Residents Tested: 34,194*
- Total Positives: 8,225
- Total Lives Lost: 440
- Cleared From Isolation: 1,080
*All Data are preliminary and are subject to change based on additional reporting
May 23, 2020
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 40,003*
- Total Number of DC Residents Tested: 33,576*
- Total Positives: 8,110
- Total Lives Lost: 432
- Cleared From Isolation: 1,080
*All Data are preliminary and are subject to change based on additional reporting
May 22, 2020
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 38,928*
- Total Number of DC Residents Tested: 32,735
- Total Positives: 7,966
- Total Lives Lost: 427
- Cleared From Isolation: 1,075
*All Data are preliminary and are subject to change based on additional reporting
May 21, 2020
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 42,993
- Total Positives: 7,893
- Total Lives Lost: 418
- Cleared From Isolation: 1,069
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May 20, 2020
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 41,756
- Total Positives: 7,788
- Total Lives Lost: 412
- Total Recovered: 1,061
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May 19, 2020
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 40,419
- Total Positives: 7,551
- Total Lives Lost: 407
- Total Recovered: 1,059
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May 18, 2020
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 39,374
- Total Positives: 7,434
- Total Lives Lost: 400
- Total Recovered: 1,040
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May 16, 2020
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 36,526
- Total Positives: 7,123
- Total Lives Lost: 383
- Total Recovered: 1,023
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May 15, 2020
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 35,532
- Total Positives: 7,042
- Total Lives Lost: 375
- Total Recovered: 998
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May 14, 2020
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 34,339
- Total Positives: 6,871
- Total Lives Lost: 368
- Total Recovered: 975
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May 13, 2020
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 32,999
- Total Positives: 6,736
- Total Lives Lost: 358
- Total Recovered: 966
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May 12, 2020
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 31,658
- Total Positives: 6,584
- Total Lives Lost: 350
- Total Recovered: 934
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May 11, 2020
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 31,050
- Total Positives: 6,485
- Total Lives Lost: 336
- Total Recovered: 886
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May 10, 2020
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 30,261
- Total Positives: 6,389
- Total Lives Lost: 328
- Total Recovered: 881
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May 9, 2020
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 29,570
- Total Positives: 6,272
- Total Lives Lost: 323
- Total Recovered: 880
- Download copy of DC COVID-19 data
May 8, 2020
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 28,183
- Total Positives: 6,102
- Total Lives Lost: 311
- Total Recovered: 879
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May 7, 2020
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 27,115
- Total Positives: 5,899
- Total Lives Lost: 304
- Total Recovered: 825
- Download copy of DC COVID-19 data
May 6, 2020
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 25,856
- Total Positives: 5,654
- Total Lives Lost: 285
- Total Recovered: 825
- Download copy of DC COVID-19 data
May 5, 2020
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 24,984
- Total Positives: 5,461
- Total Lives Lost: 277*
- Total Recovered: 808
- Download copy of DC COVID-19 data
*The District has determined that a previously reported death was not due to COVID-19 and has been removed from the reported total of lives lost.
May 4, 2020
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 24,329
- Total Positives: 5,322
- Total Lives Lost: 264
- Total Recovered: 667
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May 3, 2020
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 23,795
- Total Positives: 5,170
- Total Lives Lost: 258
- Total Recovered: 666
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May 2, 2020
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 23,102
- Total Positives: 5,016
- Total Lives Lost: 251
- Total Recovered: 666
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May 1, 2020
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 22,004
- Total Positives: 4,797
- Total Lives Lost: 240
- Total Recovered: 666
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April 30, 2020
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 21,135
- Total Positives: 4,658
- Total Lives Lost: 231
- Total Recovered: 666
- Download copy of DC COVID-19 data
April 29, 2020
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 20,079
- Total Positives: 4,323
- Total Lives Lost: 224
- Total Recovered: 660
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April 28, 2020
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 19,229
- Total Positives: 4,106
- Total Lives Lost: 205
- Total Recovered: 660
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April 27, 2020
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 18,885
- Total Positives: 3,994
- Total Lives Lost: 190
- Total Recovered: 660
- Download copy of DC COVID-19 data
April 26, 2020
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 18,416
- Total Positives: 3,892
- Total Lives Lost: 185
- Total Recovered: 659
- Download copy of DC COVID-19 data
April 25, 2020
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 18,068
- Total Positives: 3,841
- Total Lives Lost: 178
- Total Recovered: 657
- Download copy of DC COVID-19 data
April 24, 2020
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 17,302
- Total Positives: 3,699
- Total Lives Lost: 165
- Total Recovered: 652
- Download copy of DC COVID-19 data
April 23, 2020
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 16,533
- Total Positives: 3,528
- Total Lives Lost: 153
- Total Recovered: 651
- Download copy of DC COVID-19 data
April 22, 2020
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 15, 930
- Total Positives: 3,361
- Total Lives Lost: 139
- Total Recovered: 648
- Download copy of DC COVID-19 data
April 21, 2020
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 15,502
- Total Positives: 3,206
- Total Lives Lost: 127
- Total Recovered: 645
- Download copy of DC COVID-19 data
April 20, 2020
- Total Overall Number of Tests:14,939
- Total Positives: 3,098
- Total Lives Lost: 112
- Total Recovered: 636
- Download copy of DC COVID-19 data
April 19, 2020
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 14,113
- Total Positives: 2,927
- Total Lives Lost: 105
- Total Recovered: 630
- Download copy of DC COVID-19 data
April 18, 2020
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 13,699
- Total Positives: 2,793
- Total Lives Lost: 96
- Total Recovered: 622
- Download copy of DC COVID-19 data
April 17, 2020
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 13,268
- Total Positives: 2,666
- Total Lives Lost: 91
- Total Recovered: 608
- Download copy of DC COVID-19 data
April 16, 2020
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 12,643
- Total Positives: 2,476
- Total Lives Lost: 86
- Total Recovered: 573
- Download copy of DC COVID-19 data
April 15, 2020
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 12,150
- Total Positives: 2,350
- Total Lives Lost: 81
- Total Recovered: 552
- Download copy of DC COVID-19 data
April 14, 2020
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 11,525
- Total Positives: 2,197
- Total Lives Lost: 72
- Total Recovered: 530
- Download copy of DC COVID-19 data
April 13, 2020
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 11,284*
- Total Positives: 2,058
- Total Lives Lost: 67
- Total Recovered: 518
- Download copy of DC COVID-19 data
*This number has been updated based on corrected testing data.
April 12, 2020
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 10,934
- Total Positives: 1,955
- Total Lives Lost: 52
- Total Recovered: 507
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April 11, 2020
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 10,640
- Total Positives: 1875
- Total Lives Lost: 50
- Total Recovered: 493
- Download copy of DC COVID-19 data
April 10, 2020
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 10,039
- Total Positives: 1778
- Total Lives Lost: 47
- Total Recovered: 447
- Download copy of DC COVID-19 data
April 9, 2020
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 9355
- Total Positives: 1660
- Total Lives Lost: 38
- Total Recovered: 426
- Download copy of DC COVID-19 data
April 8, 2020
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 8724
- Total Positives: 1523
- Total Lives Lost: 32
- Total Recovered: 393
- Download copy of DC COVID-19 data
April 7, 2020
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 8283
- Total Positives: 1440
- Total Lives Lost: 27
- Total Recovered: 361
- Download copy of DC COVID-19 data
April 6, 2020
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 7823
- Total Positives: 1211
- Total Deaths: 22
- Total Recovered: 318
April 4, 2020
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 6834
- Total Positives: 998
- Total Deaths: 22
- Total Recovered: 258
April 3, 2020
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 6438
- Total Positives: 902
- Total Deaths: 21
- Total Recovered: 235
April 2, 2020
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 5584
- Total Positives: 757
- Total Deaths: 15
- Total Recovered: 206
April 1, 2020
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 5,070
- Total positives: 653
- Number of deaths: 12
- Number of people who have recovered: 173
March 31, 2020
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 4,398
- Total positives: 586
- Number of deaths: 11
- Number of people who have recovered: 142
March 30, 2020
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 3759
- Number of PHL positives: 76
- Number of commercial lab positives: 419
- Number of PHL negatives: 204
- Number of commercial lab negatives: 3058
- Number of PHL tests in progress: 2
- Number of deaths: 9
- Number of people who have recovered: 121
March 29, 2020
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 3085
- Number of PHL positives: 63
- Number of commercial lab positives: 338
- Number of PHL negatives: 178
- Number of commercial lab negatives: 2504
- Number of PHL tests in progress: 2
- Number of deaths: 9
- Number of people who have recovered: 106
March 28, 2020
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 2812
- Number of PHL positives: 58
- Number of commercial lab positives: 284
- Number of PHL negatives: 168
- Number of commercial lab negatives: 2301
- Number of PHL tests in progress: 1
- Number of deaths: 5
- Number of people who have recovered: 66
March 27, 2020
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 2516
- Number of PHL positives: 47
- Number of commercial lab positives: 257
- Number of PHL negatives: 168
- Number of commercial lab negatives: 2043
- Number of PHL tests in progress: 1
- Number of deaths: 4
- Number of people who have recovered: 51
March 26, 2020
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 2,166
- Number of PHL positives: 43
- Number of commercial lab positives: 224
- Number of PHL negatives: 140
- Number of commercial lab negatives: 1,757
- Number of PHL tests in progress: 2
- Number of Deaths: 3
- Number of People who have Recovered: 49
March 25, 2020
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 1858
- Number of PHL positives: 38
- Number of commercial lab positives: 193
- Number of PHL negatives: 123
- Number of commercial lab negatives: 1503
- Number of PHL tests in progress: 1
- Number of Deaths: 3
- Number of People who have Recovered: 21
March 24, 2020
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 1609
- Number of PHL positives: 37
- Number of commercial lab positives: 146
- Number of PHL negatives: 118
- Number of commercial lab negatives: 1305
- Number of PHL tests in progress: 3
- Number of Deaths: 2
- Number of People who have Recovered: 17
March 23, 2020
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 1334
- Number of PHL positives: 36
- Number of commercial lab positives: 101
- Number of PHL negatives: 116
- Number of commercial lab negatives: 1079
- Number of PHL tests in progress: 2
- Number of Deaths: 2
- Number of People who have Recovered: 17
March 22, 2020
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 1229
- Number of PHL positives: 35
- Number of commercial lab positives: 81
- Number of PHL negatives: 110
- Number of commercial lab negatives:1003
- Number of PHL tests in progress: 0
- Number of deaths: 2
March 21, 2020
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 1055
- Number of PHL positives: 32
- Number of commercial lab positives: 66
- Number of PHL negatives: 108
- Number of commercial lab negatives: 849
- Number of PHL tests in progress: 0
March 20, 2020
Total Overall Number of Tests:
- Number of PHL positives: 23
- Number of commercial lab positives: 54
- Number of PHL negatives:104
- Number of commercial lab negatives:
- Number of PHL tests in progress: 0
*Updates and additional data are forthcoming.
March 19, 2020
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 573
- Number of PHL positives: 20
- Number of commercial lab positives: 51
- Number of PHL negatives:100
- Number of commercial lab negatives: 401
- Number of PHL tests in progress: 1
March 18, 2020
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 203
- Number of PHL positives: 14
- Number of commercial lab positives: 25
- Number of PHL negatives: 90
- Number of commercial lab negatives: 63
- Number of PHL tests in progress: 11
March 17, 2020
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 170
- Number of PHL positives: 11
- Number of commercial lab positives: 20
- Number of PHL negatives: 75
- Number of commercial lab negatives: 63
- Number of PHL tests in progress: 1
March 16, 2020
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 126
- Number of PHL positives: 10
- Number of commercial lab positives: 12
- Number of PHL negatives: 70
- Number of commercial lab negatives: 34
- Number of PHL tests in progress: 0
As of March 15, 2020
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 120
- Number of PHL positives: 10
- Number of commercial lab positives: 7
- Number of PHL negatives: 65
- Number of commercial lab negatives: 31
- Number of PHL tests in progress: 7
As of March 14, 2020
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 115
- Number of PHL positives: 9
- Number of commercial lab positives: 7
- Number of PHL negatives: 49
- Number of commercial lab negatives: 30
- Number of PHL tests in progress: 20
As of March 13:
- Total Overall Number of Tests: 69
- Number of PHL positives: 8*
- Number of commercial lab positives: 2
- Number of PHL negatives: 49
- Number of PHL tests in progress: 10
- *This number includes: presumptive positives (6); and CDC confirmed positives (2)
As of March 11:
- Number of positive results: 10
As of March 9:
- Number of positive results: 4
As of March 7:
- Number of positive results: 2